BME Suborbitals

(Booth: B01-C)

BME Suborbitals is a Budapest-based university rocketry team of dedicated student members from diverse fields and skill sets. Our team is organized into specialized groups such as Avionics, Recovery, Simulation, Structural, Payload, Propulsion, Operations, and Media.

Our latest rocket, the Prometheus powered by the evosoft rocket, marks a major milestone in our development. We proudly represented Hungary with this design at the European Rocketry Challenge in Portugal in October 2024, successfully launching it to an apogee of 3,242 meters.

Founded in early 2021, BME Suborbitals has already achieved important successes: securing first place at the International Rocket Cup, being in the top 10 competitors in the 2022 European Rocketry Challenge, and being chosen to be the launch provider at the ESA CanSat Competition in Hungary. Driven by a passion for rocketry, we are committed to continuing the development of our rockets and are also open to collaborating with companies to achieve even greater heights, both figuratively and literally.

Contact details:
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Gyémánt szponzorok / Diamond sponsors

Arany szponzorok / Gold sponsors

Ezüst szponzorok / Silver sponsors

Szakmai támogatók / Professional sponsors

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