E-Tronics Ltd.

Professional sponsor (Booth: E13)

A leading supplier in the field of testing and measurement instruments, as well as auxiliary materials for electronic and medical device manufacturing.

Our company provides innovative and reliable solutions from leading brands for a wide range of engineering challenges in the following areas:

  • Soldering Technology
  • Industrial X-ray and CT
  • Leak Testing
  • Liquid Dispensing
  • Cleaning

In Győr, Brno, and Galway, our representatives provide comprehensive sales and service support.

In the field of industrial electronics, we offer high-quality X-ray inspection, currently using two Nikon CT devices, enabling precise and thorough analysis in manufacturing processes. With our service, we ensure the flawless operation of electronic components and increased productivity.

Conact details:
Address: 9027 Győr, Gesztenyefa street 4.
Tel.: +36/96/506-990, +36/30/824-4732
Website: www.e-tronics.hu

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