NEW technology magazin

Media partner (Booth: B12)

NEW technology magazine brings of world industrial and technological news. Our portfolio is som extensive, it includes many platforms and service: and online news portals, NEW technology printed magazine, NEWtechtalk podcast, TECHference industrial and technological conference and exhibition, Green Edge Advertising Agency.

Our editorial staff are permanently working to bring the industrial news to the professionals. Some people would rather read and some like to listen our news. We provide the way to access the most important informations about the industries.

The aim of Green Edge Advertising Agency is to improve the communication of companies in any industry. It provides outstanding solutions for online and offline campaign planning and execution.

Contact details:
Address: H–1141 Budapest, Szugló utca 82.
Telephone: +36 70 600 4491

Gyémánt szponzorok / Diamond sponsors

Arany szponzorok / Gold sponsors

Ezüst szponzorok / Silver sponsors

Szakmai támogatók / Professional sponsors

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