(Booth: A02)

Phoenix Contact is a global manufacturer of components, systems and solutions for connectivity, electronics and automation. Our modern components and system solutions are used in a wide range of industrial applications. With more than 100 years of innovation experience, Phoenix Contact offers solutions for your application needs.

With its strategy of Empowering the All Electric Society, Phoenix Contact is playing a significant role in electrification, networking and automation in the Energy sector and in other areas by connecting different sectors. With technical solutions, Phoenix Contact contributes to the future ideal of unlimited and cheap access for all to sustainable electricity from fully renewable sources. In addition to the generation and transport of energy, Phoenix Contact also manufactures components and offers complete solutions for the economic use of energy (energy management systems).

Numerous patents underline the fact that some of Phoenix Contact's developments are unique in their own way.

In close cooperation with universities and science, future technologies such as e-mobility and environmental technologies are being explored and integrated into market products, systems and solutions.

Founded in 1923, the German brand Phoenix Contact has 50 subsidiaries and around 30 representatives worldwide, providing expert advice and on-time delivery. It is both a global player and a family business to this day. Its official Hungarian subsidiary opened in 1998. Thanks to the outstanding results of recent years, annual turnover in 2022 was already close to 9 billion.

Contact details:
Address: H-1124 Budapest, Csörsz street 49-51.

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