MELT (National Electronics Society of Hungary) organizes again this year its manual soldering competition for secondary school students. The aim of the competition is to promote and make well known the basics of soldering technology. Those who are good at hand soldering will understand the basic principles of soldering, which are the same as for any soldering technology, even automated ones.
The task will be to assemble a small, functional PCBA populated both through hole, and surface mount components circuit by hand soldering. A new circuit, different from last year's, has been designed for this year's competition. The task must be completed in a specified time. All necessary materials and tools will be provided.
For the first time this year, the competitors will also have to pass a written test, too.
The prize for the best result is an Ersa i-Con Pico MK soldering station.
The prize for the team (school) with the best average result is an Ersa i-Con 1 MK2 soldering station.

In addition, we will reward the best result of the day's race at the end of each competition day and we also plan to award some special prizes.
There has been (fortunately) a lot of interest in the competition in recent years, and we don't want to refuse any school's application. Therefore, this year we are planning to have 4 competitors per school, but you can enter 2 more as a reserve and they will have possibility to compete if the opportunity arises. An application form can be downloaded here.
Free all-day exhibition passes will be provided for competitors, supporters and accompanying teachers upon pre-registration. Featuring the most innovative developments and latest technologies of our time, the exhibition and the accompanying professional presentations and side events running in parallel on several stages will be interesting and useful for future professionals and their teachers.